Sunday, March 8, 2015

A few pieces I've done

charcoal pencil, 10" x 12" 

Sage in Abalone Shell
Graphite on Paper, 9" x 12"

In Oil, 16" x 20"

 Natalie's shoulder
Charcoal Pencil on toned paper
18" x 24"

Folsom Rain Cloud
In Oil, 24" x 36"

"Sri" seated
Charcoal Pencil, 18" x 24"
Vase with Fruit still life drawing
 Graphite on Paper, 9" x 12"

Charcoal Pencil, 18" x 24"

Charcoal Pencil, 18" x 24"

River Rocks, Folsom, CA
Graphite, 5"x7"
Overall, 2014 was a productive year for me. I'm still working out the kinks on photographing artwork and will need to re-do most of the pieces I've done so far. Getting the color and lighting right has been a challenge and I'm not sure the camera I've got is really suited for what I'm trying to do. But I figured for now I'd at least get some new shots posted and I'll update when I can.
I've had a few pieces in shows last year and am working on getting some more pieces together for upcoming shows this year when time permits. Though I haven't updated this blog in a while I hope to post more information on what's happening as things unfold. I am in the process of  researching how to set things up to a allow for more secure sharing of contact information as I specifically do not want to be flooded with spam. So far this blog has been a way to direct personal contacts who are interested in viewing my work. Eventually, there will be a more interactive and professional presence.
An exercise in copying a
master drawing template of the
Belvedere Torso
graphite, 13" x 15"
Check out the link for a little history of this sculpture from Wikipedia:
Below is a reference link to the on-line Charles Bargue course.
Free scans can be also be found on-line and the instructions are on the link:
Good Luck!
Oil sketch of Brandi
16" x 20"
A sketch I did at the
Oakland Model's Guild
drawing marathon last year

