Friday, July 5, 2013


My reasons for starting this blog are complex - but mostly from a desire to showcase my work and a place to gather, promote, and expand the art community at large.

Basically, I have been interested in art most of my life having grown up in a household where my dad painted and had a deep appreciation for the classical arts. It's something that's always been with me even when working in industries as far removed from the aesthetic as you can get. Having taken a year's worth of life drawing and graphic arts courses through UNH at the Manchester Institute of Art in Manchester, NH back in 1977-78 - I felt I had reached a plateau where there seemed two directions for me to take. One where the prospect of a paycheck was more certain than the other. The old saying of "man needing more than bread to live" ccame to mind but the other need of having bread in order to live still was a very real and basic need. At any rate, the decisions we make in life can have reverberating affects down the road as the ones I've made surely did, yet I've come to realize that the quality of the life we live is always worth more than the quantity of things we think we need to accumulate. Suffice it to say at this point in my life I feel like I am carving out a new image of myself with new creative directions, after having returned to a path I walked parallel to for so many years. The experience thus far has been exhilarating. Whether working in my studio or with others in town, seeking out advice from professionals, attending workshops, or researching whatever resources available. I have been  honing my craft and connecting with the art community at large whenever possible.  Drawing, painting, and producing more artwork in the last year than the last 35 years since my first introduction as an adult to the art world. There is something about it that is indescribable. It can only be felt and in most cases only expressed through the tools of the trade. A trade that is fading amidst a world dominated by technology. It feels like I've stepped back to a simpler time. To pick up a pencil and paper and physically draw something that is an expression of a life in search of and celebration of beauty. Sometimes capturing it, sometimes something else, but the commitment to this physical, mental, and emotional connection is made to something real, something timeless, something tangible, and primal. A soulful and meaningful journey awaits. The greatest part of the journey knowing that I am not alone on this quest and that the road is wide open into the horizon. To a new and better world... in the artist's eye.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your stay,


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